Hand-made Media

I often tire of trying to get [mainstream] media makers to recognise the importance of the artists and exhibitions that take place at Fresh Gallery Otara. For example, in six years of operation, the nationally funded Pacific Island affairs television programme, Tagata Pasifika, has done less than five stories on Pacific artists and events at Fresh.

In 2011, I collaborated with Tanu Gago to make a series of videos about Pacific artists and exhibitions; we started to make our own media. I’m really proud of what Tanu has created and will be making more in 2012. Here’s a video he made on Angela Tiatia’s 2011 exhibition, Foreign Objects

Gary Lee and Me

Meeting Australian photographer, Gary Lee was the highlight of my time in Rarotonga. I have had a special love affair with Lee’s work since I bought the 2005 issue of Artlink with his image, Shaba on the front cover. Working with Samoan filmmaker and emerging artist Tanu Gago, we have discussed Lee’s work at length in recent months.

Nigel Borell, Ema Tavola, Maurice O'Riordan and Dan Taulapapa McMullin

The August 2010 issue of Art Monthly Australia, themed ‘OzPasifika’, was launched on Tuesday 10 August at BCA Gallery to coincide with the opening of TOP16 a solo exhibition by Janet Lilo curated by Ron Brownson. It’s an excellent issue that feels very special, including great profiles of Torika Bolatagici, Lisa Hili, Chantal Fraser, Maryann Talia Pau and Eric Bridgeman. It’s refreshing to see another Australasian art publication providing space  for Pacific and indigenous writing and response.

On my knees begging for a show!

Gary Lee, you so rocked my world!


My father, Kaliopate Tavola, has established a blog platform to communicate issues, history and developments with our village – Dravuni, located in the northern part of the Kadavu group of the Fiji Islands. He is new to blogging, but I’m happy that a kaidravuni (someone from Dravuni) can provide a first hand Dravuni insight into our island and history.
